How to Be Safe With GPR?

Several technologies offer the possibility to improve revenue and growth for engineering firms in the damage prevention sector. Ground penetrating radar is perhaps the most important non-invasive technique used to help engineering firms add services. It is not only dynamic in the number of ways it can be applied, but also affordable. In addition, it keeps you safe when using it in your construction projects because of its advantages.

What is GPR?

GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) is used in many areas to observe artificial and natural items. It allows you to detect metallic and non-metallic pipes, power lines, conduits, water pipes, rebar and post-tensioning cables inside concrete.

GPR waves are equal to those of a cell phone or wifi network, while x-rays require a 50-foot clearance before being used for safety reasons. In general, GPR is the most cost-effective option and the fastest method of testing concrete.

How to be safe with GPR?

As mentioned above, underground detection by GPR has many advantages. Here are the reasons why you can safely use GPR to carry out your projects:

GPR helps to detect hazards

Among the main advantages and reasons for using GPR is the ability to detect underground electrical wires before construction begins. This is an advantage for construction projects, because it prevents risks that may occur, such as the accidental cutting of a water, gas or electricity line.

Thus, GPR detection by certified technicians is one of the first steps in a project. By using GPR on a construction site, the risk of something going seriously wrong and injuring others is reduced.

Non-intrusive method

In the case of utility locating or subsurface detection by GPR, GPR works without the need for digging and provides a reliable and safe method of investigation that reduces the damage caused by buried utilities and services.

GPR surveys are used to confirm the location of underground utilities. The data generated by GPR is used to plan a number of utility projects as it determines the precise depth and location of underground utilities.


When equipment encounters an unexpected object due to an error, the results can be catastrophic. Not only are the equipment and site damaged, but a handling error can result in injury and loss of life.

Reinforcing bars and tension wires can break and put all people in the vicinity in immediate danger. That’s why it is essential that everyone involved in the project has a clear vision of their work.


GPR is a cost-effective tool for preventing damage from drilling. Road engineers often use a core sample to test the layers and their thickness, but this can be time-consuming, costly and cause long-term damage. This is because water and air can seep into the gaps in the core samples and cause early deterioration of the concrete or asphalt.

Minimize traffic disruptions

GPR provides early detection of voids that may be developing under a paved surface or emerging cracks in existing roads that may not be visible from the surface. Unlike coring, it provides a non-destructive means of assessing roads to determine current levels of deterioration, plan corrective measures and ultimately extend the life of this critical asset.

Road condition assessment is an application that often requires a range of GPR frequencies to identify potential sources of :

  • road failure
  • lower frequencies for the detection of deep voids higher frequencies for the evaluation of asphalt and base conditions

New GPR technologies are now available that allow the engineer to collect information at highway speeds, which can increase project safety and minimize traffic disruption.

Deadlines respect

Knowing how to coordinate project timelines and revise them due to the many factors that influence it, such as weather, contractor availability, mechanical breakdowns and unforeseen changes, can impact profitability.

Using GPR to locate utilities prior to the start of the project helps avoid potential problems during excavation or demolition. Avoiding cutting or digging up what is not visible ensures schedule integrity, avoids unnecessary repair costs and safety issues.


GPR detection is very important for construction projects, you can be safe and save time and money by using GPR. Very simple works can become a real nightmare if you carry out your projects without detecting electrical or sanitary pipes.

Detecting and avoiding these hazards with GPR allows you to get your work done and meet your deadlines. For more information on how GPR works, contact us today!



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