If you want to build an office, you need a system to detect and locate underground cables. The concrete scanning with GPR allows you to have an approximate idea of the difficulty or ease of carrying out a construction project in this area
With the most modern GPR detection technology used, this system displays color-coded mapping of the area. This reduces the burden of huge excavations and simplifies your work.
If you want to carry out a large or small construction project, it is highly recommended to use GPR for concrete scanning.
GPR (Ground penetrating radar) works by transmitting a signal from a radar antenna (transmitted signal) that penetrates the subsurface and reflects off objects with a different dielectric value than the surrounding medium. These reflections return to the antenna’s receiving unit (received signal) and a two-way travel time can be used to calculate the depth and position of a given utility or unknown feature.
GPR survey is important for several reasons. Anyone who wants to carry out a project must verify the feasibility of the project. Here are some of the benefits of using GPR to detect underground infrastructures:
Before the arrival of GPR, engineers had two options for determining what was underground: they could use schematics or they could dig the ground. The problem is that schematics don’t always include everything.
In many cases, features such as Aboriginal burial grounds were underneath a construction site, resulting in complications years later. Excavation is expensive, both in terms of money and time. Avoiding these costs is one thing that GPR can do.
The data obtained by GPR can be provided in its raw form or as 2D and 3D images. The detailed digital maps can be printed or distributed to team members electronically, allowing everyone to know what is hidden on the project site. This data is very useful for modifying plans and schedules to meet the project’s planned outcomes.
It can be tempting to rush the demolition process when your schedule is compromised. However, this can have serious consequences, as you risk cutting through a wall or concrete. Repairing a severed duct costs at least $1,000.
Keep in mind that safety hazards, additional delays and repairs can negatively impact your company’s reputation and project schedule. GPR can detect underground utilities, steel and voids without disturbing structures or soil.
If a mistake is made, if the equipment hits an unexpected object, it can lead to catastrophic consequences. In addition to damage to the equipment and the site, improper handling can result in injury and loss of life. Tension rods and cables can break and cause danger to anyone in the vicinity. Therefore, it is essential that everyone has a clear idea of the nature of the work.
Because of its non-destructive method, GPR operated by certified technicians, is generally preferred for locating underground metals such as rebar, conduits and post-tensioning cables. GPR is a fast, efficient and very precise tool that allows to detect objects under the concrete surface and to measure their depth.
Unlike X-Ray technology, GPR scanning is not radioactive and workers can remain on the job site safely when it is used. GPR detection is also much more affordable than X-Ray technology, making it ideal for construction professionals on a budget who can’t afford to waste money.
In recent years, professionals working in the scanning field have begun to make it clear that contractors need to take extra steps to avoid unknown problems. GPR service providers have carved out a niche serving electricians, plumbers and contractors tasked with detecting tanks and other items.
Don’t let X-Ray scanning and excavation slow you down. With GPR detection, concrete scans will be available in real time, so your work won’t stop. Knowing that you’ll get complete results in as little as an hour, you can make arrangements to stay on schedule and work efficiently.
There are many factors to consider during a utility locating project using GPR, including type and quantity (water, gas, electrical, communications), level of complexity, overall project scope, area size, and site access. Based on these factors, there are a number of options for underground pipe detection methods. Infrastructure detection by GPR is the most common, fastest and most efficient method.